Bankola – Online Banking With DPS & Loan


This is a Complete Banking system comes with Investment DPS & Loan Management system. Its Built to be beautiful, fast and powerful. It comes with minimum banking features like account account statements, branchs, DPS, Loan, Complete User Management system, Credit/Debit Facility and more.

User Features:

Loan - 6 Cross Browser Optimized Design.
Loan - 7 Latest News, FAQ, Contact.
Loan - 8 Easy Signup / Signin.
Loan - 9 Secure User Dashboard.
Loan - 10 Own bank Transfer.
Loan - 11 Others bank transfer.
Loan - 12 E-currency Methods.
Loan - 13 Fixed Deposit Package (DPS).
Loan - 14 Fixed Deposit History.
Loan - 15 Loan Package.
Loan - 16 Loan History.
Loan - 17 E-Deposit Facility.
Loan - 18 Complete Account Statement.
Loan - 19 Automated Deposit Method.
Loan - 20 Account Setting.
Loan - 21 Multiple Branches.
Loan - 22 And More….

Admin Features:

Loan - 23 Secure Admin Dashboard.
Loan - 24 Branch Management.
Loan - 25 Other banks Management.
Loan - 26 Loan Management System.
Loan - 27 Loan Package.
Loan - 28 Loan Request Management.
Loan - 29 Investment / DPS Package.
Loan - 30 Investment History.
Loan - 31 Min/Max DPS Feature.
Loan - 32 User Balance Debit Facility.
Loan - 33 User Balance Credit Facility.
Loan - 34 Website Settings.
Loan - 35 General Settings.
Loan - 36 Charge Settings.
Loan - 37 Email Settings.
Loan - 38 SMS Settings.
Loan - 39 Facebook API Management.
Loan - 40 Deposit Management.
Loan - 41 Latest News Management.
Loan - 42 Transaction Management.
Loan - 43 withdraw Management.
Loan - 44 User Management.
Loan - 45 Interface Control.
Loan - 46 Newsletter Management.
Loan - 47 Advertisement Management.
Loan - 48 Language Management.
Loan - 49 And More….

It also Comes With:

  • Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
  • Protects against CSRF attacks!
  • HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
  • Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
  • Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.

Additional information

Software Framework

PHP – Laravel, MySQL, Android Studio, Java

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux

